RPR Hair Care:
The Case Study
The backstory
RPR Hair Care is a family owned Australian business that creates professional salon products. They came to us with the need to develop their outdated, and single-focused website into a professional, house of brands for both hairdressers and women who are after the latest fashion styles while maintaining optimal hair heath.
The previous site was suffering from security issues and suited trade transactions for salons, however did not speak to the end user. The client wanted to rejuvenate the RPR brands and create a fully functioning, user-friendly, ecommerce site that offered a seamless shopping experience for both salons and end users. To achieve this, application integrations with their accounting and shipping platforms, MYOB EXO and Australia Post were required.

UX Challenges
Retail users of RPR products to be priority target market
Seamless shopping experience
Bring RPR Brands back to life, giving each brand space for their own unique voice
Emphasise the high quality products being made in Australia and with natural ingredients
Create the website to be a go-to source of helpful material, such as: videos, articles, courses and product details for users, salons and hairdressers
Functional layout to make products easy to find, in minimal clicks
Find a way for new users of hair care products who can be unsure of the right product for them, to easily find the right fit product for them

UX Solutions
We explored a different layout which included featured products, incorporated a “find my match” tool where users can find the products they needed according to their hair needs. We planned for blog and professional education sections where users could find resources suited to their needs.
Ingredients were given more importance and placed on the homepage as well as featured in every product and in the about page. We also refined the shopping experience, resulting in a smoother and organised flow.

Web/UI Design
The minimalist style chosen for RPR Hair Care was chosen to ensure products and ingredients were always pulled into focus. The range of RPR brands were also featured on their own pages to showcase individual messaging and style though photography and copy.